F A I R P L A C E *
Impact Advisory & Recruitment
What we do
Fairplace is a recruitment and advisory company that connects top-talent with ethically sound, sustainable organizations.
We help companies navigate the interconnected business, regulatory and social world to reach their goals in a sustainable way.
We issue our own progressive corporate standards and guidelines.
We assist companies in developing implementing processes and sound HR- structures.
We provide the next generation HR-lab with the practices to flourish as a whole human being.
Are you a company that shares our values and want to recruit top talent in the areas of Finance, HR, Legal, and Sustainability?
Do you need strategic advice or want part time access to a whole team?
Are you seeking transformative practices to create a positive work environment and thriving employees?
Please get in touch with us here: [email protected]
Who we are
We are a team of experienced, independent consultants within the areas of, Finance, Legal, Sustainability, HR and Sports working together through the FAIRPLACE* platform and values.
How we impact
Creating fair societies, businesses and a better world is not only about climate. Fairplace integrates Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) principles in everything we do and only accept companies who adhere to them as our clients.
In selecting our customers we follow the guiding principles of the UN criteria for sustainable investments (UNPRI).
This means that we are proud to work with companies who actively strives for sustainability meaning; Environment, Human rights, Fair Labour conditions, Equality and Anti-corruption.
It also means that we refrain from working with companies who violates international conventions or has direct production in the weapons-, gambling-, tobacco- and fossil fuels- industries.
Join Fairplace
Are you ready to make impact and be a force for good within the world of corporate? Connect with us here and we will get in touch or apply with cv under "jobs".
Join the community
If you want to know more and become part of our community, connect with us on Linkedin, Facebook and Instagram.
Some of Fairplace reference assignments include working with great organizations like:
Career blog
Read our posts-
Så vill topptalangerna jobba 2023
Situationen i omvärlden och rädslan för hur arbetsmarknaden påverkas av lågkonjunkturen får topptalanger att prioritera...
Från jurist till hållbarhetschef
Banbytarna en artikelserie från FAIRPLACE*...
Han blir COO för Cooach Group
Cooach Group arbetar under devisen "work from anywhere" och erbjuder mindre tillväxtbolag motsvarande affärsstöd som det stora...