Anna Lensmar-Friedman
Founder I Recruitment Consultant Legal, Ethics and ComplianceI am a Recruitment- & interim HR-consultant with a background in law, leadership and psychology.
I am specialized in the Legal-, Ethics- and Compliance-professions, cross industry, with 20 years experience in the field as a recruiter, search consultant and CEO for legal recruitment companies and consultancy firms. I founded Fairplace to match ethic companies with top-talent and thereby enabling them to come together and make the world a better place.
Where top-talent goes development and growth will inevitably follow.
For full CV please visit my Linkedin profile.
I’m hiring
My blog posts
- https://www.fairplace.se/posts/temp-1839c112-b776-4a5d-a61e-1c060e069c10
Personalsäkerhet vs mångfald vid rekrytering
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